Purpose of your project
The main idea of the project is aimed at training the personnel of each company that requires a space to train their personnel in the different areas of their company. This project was born with the idea of having the necessary tools to achieve control over each user and their progress during each training they receive.
Team project
Samir Millan.
Machine learning
Mauricio drada.
Web stack programming
Diego Quijano.
Machine learning
Timeline Nativo
Approach and objective of the project
The main idea of the project is aimed at training the personnel of each company that requires a space to train their personnel in the different areas of their company. This project was born with the idea of having the necessary tools to achieve control over each user and their progress during each training they receive. During the first stage of the native project, an MVP was established, a minimum viable product and in this case, as a team, we decided to present 3 main functions, one of them is the creation of programs or activities and this would be done from a demo user. that would have the ability to create such training programs, in addition to that, we include the possibility of adding an image to each created program and the possibility of being able to see all the programs currently active and, on the other hand, a function that allows solving or study each of the programs carried out by the demo user and, finally, be able to visualize the information of the users. For all this beautiful process, we designate different hours of the day to be in constant communication with all the team members and for them we use different platforms such as zoom and discord that allowed us to communicate directly with each of our project partners, the entire process It was great we learned many topics that at that time went unnoticed but that during the solution of the protecto we had to retake and reinforce. It was an incredible experience everything seen during this last phase of holberton. amazing!
History of why the project…
The reason why this web platform is created is for resolution in those spaces where there is no control over the activities and progress of each of the users who require training activities for each of their companies, therefore, we As a team we could have the idea of developing a web platform that can generate reports from each of these users, since there is the possibility of creating new programs or activities for each of these companies that need a service to train their staff. so we decided to investigate a little closer to what web platforms exist in the world to have a clear reference of what our personal project could be in the search process, we were able to identify several platforms that provide these services and we also decided to investigate a little more than its operation at the end of the day, we focus on creating 3 functionalities that during the first stage would shape our project, these 3 functionalities were to create new projects or activities or programs, the visualization of all activities and finally the solution of each one of these activities by the end user, so each of these roles was assigned to each of our colleagues target their development skills, so in the end our partner Mauricio drada lost the interface-focused part of development. Part of our colleague Diego Quijano was assigned development tasks with decades in the back-end. And finally, our colleague Samir Millán was assigned the role of team leader and who should collaborate both on Friday and in the back-end of the project.
Project progress…
Data flow diagram.
Within the use of the technologies used for the project, we had in mind the meaning of the stack, which is basically a technology package that is based on the full use of typing, which means that both the front and the package use the same Java prototype Script technology within One of the most important technologies for stack mean is a technology that is extremely important for all frontend development, whose main qualities are being able to make a complete structure based on components.
On the other hand, on the backend side, mongoDb technology is used, which will help us host dotos with a json structure, it is important to emphasize that the technology is based on the NoSql format for the communication part between our interface or backend we use Nodejs technology that, together with ExpressJs technology, allows us to communicate between the different layers (Frontend and Backend).
Project functionalities.
Daily activities:
This function allows us to view the active daily tasks to be solved by the user. In this field, each activity can be solved using the multiple selection option.
Daily/ Activity daily
Active programs:
This function allows us to view the total number of active or available programs on the platform, here we can view the tutor, number of activities and their priority.
Program/all programs
Create program:
This function allows us to create a new program, this includes the name of the program, a description and even allows us tu upload an image in order to more easily identify the company corresponding to this new training program from the platform’s demo user.
Creation/create program
Most difficult technical…
When we started the project, we were very clear about the technologies we plan to use, we do not take into account that it was likely that at some point the technology would change as the project progressed, so from the beginning we have planned The use of the battery means that we It provides different technologies that at that time we already had in mind, but that we need to take up again to understand the whole, which is why during the process we had difficulties such as creating a NoSql database. In principle, it was not complicated to have solved the creation of this database, what would really take more time was communication, what could our project do with the database? For this, we would have to study the technology of ExpressJs and create different functionalities that through routes in which we could insert information in the Al database, as well as edit the information and delete this information in all this in the development environment. of the back-end project, some time later we had another difficulty, so we had to migrate all our frontend development that had been done with the traditional structure of a web page, therefore, all our base project had to be modularized in different components, in this way we managed to adapt our entire project to angular technology. For this stage, you will have to invest more than 12 continuous hours of learning and error, since during the process we did not have an initial focus on angular technologies, so we documented, studied and applied all the documentation provided by angular webpage the biggest challenge. Within this technology to understand the navigation route, what must be done between the different components to obtain correct navigation.
My humble opinion… :)
I think that each and every one of these new technologies bring great benefits when developing different projects, therefore, I think it is very important to be clear about the technologies in which our projects will be resolved. Good solution for any other type of web development.
It is always very important in these projects to organize correctly and manage very good development times, therefore, the few things that would change would be the schedule and the aspects in the development of the times, in this way we will have a little more order on the project development times.
At the end of the day, we see how to work under pressure and still have results that are very satisfactory because that is why we have been training in this way, we realize that we are capable of achieving many things in a short time and with good results. Development methodology, it’s amazing. Over time, realizing how sql databases have their benefits, but consider that non-sql passes are much more rewarding nowadays, for this reason, creating databases sql will have a great future in software development.
I consider myself a very organized and calculating person. I believe in the people and the abilities that each one has. I like to share my knowledge and spend time with each of my colleagues. He considered that human contact with face-to-face contact is vital for the development of any skill personal.
Nativo project — git hub
Nativo landing
Nativo project