IoT ( Internet of things).

Samir Millan
5 min readMar 8, 2020

IoT are the physical objects found in life, for example, a car, a coffee maker, a toothbrush, a washing machine, in short, anything, except that these objects have a great peculiarity that differs from simple objects. And they have sensors and integrated circuits and connectivity that allow them to collect and exchange data between them or with the Internet, these objects are known as smart devices.

It is important to comment that they are called smart devices not only because they have access to the Internet, but also because they must be able to fulfill one or more of the following functions.

The first of these is monitoring, it is perhaps the most important of all since, from the integration of various sensors, they will be able to recognize what is happening around the smart device, for example, they will be able to identify speed, temperature, altitude, movement or any other element that occurs around it.

The second of these is monitoring control, they must take an action that means they must open or close a door to turn on or off a device to send or retrieve information, this is also a crucial part of smart devices.

Another function to consider is the optimization based on the monitoring and analysis of the information that you have collected should know how to use the resources when automation is strictly required, this in itself is to facilitate and reschedule activities that are considered routine.

IoT and Big data and their relationship.

Big data is greatly related to the internet of things or IOT, the huge volume of data generated from the multiple sensors incorporated in each of the objects that can generate some utility regarding the solution of an existing problem will always generate valuable information.

Such as a sensor incorporated into the vehicle’s turn and spring system … imagine for a moment as a user dodging a bump or a fallen tree on the road these sensors immediately detect how there was a change of direction in a Straight road and this would generate enough data to interpret that on that road there is a possible bump that should be attended by the personnel in charge of the repair of the city roads in addition to this there would be a clear overview of the resources allocated to the repair in each city and if these resources are really being used to repair these places, This small example maximized by hundreds of thousands of users a day would result in a large volume of data that would have to be used to generate predictive models, aggregation and visualization of information to determine human interaction and actions.

Finally, the goal of big data is in creating value to the massively generated data for each of the organizations that require its use, for this reason the IoT and big data are greatly related as a wedding couple.

Current challenges.

You have to face some challenges and threats let’s see what I mean in terms of the challenges there are at least three:

one associated with energy and electricity consumption as we have previously mentioned smart devices will be throughout the city and many of them batteries will be used that obviously can not be changed or recharged daily for it This is a challenge that manufacturers are facing and working to achieve more compact and longer lasting batteries.

Because the devices occupy internet connections, the service providers must have more and better links since otherwise, it could cause a collapse due to the huge number of devices and the internet.

Speaking of censors even though they are smaller every day, research is still required to make them more functional and durable.

Finally, it should be borne in mind that the budgets for the current investment to make use of these new modalities of services are high when it is aimed at small and medium-sized companies, therefore the costs and benefits that this could generate for each of these companies and determine whether or not such investments are necessary, so over time it is important to make these IoT services more affordable.

Privacy and security (Threats).

In relation to the threats of the internet of things or IoT faces a field that is not simple but quite the opposite because they are devices of specific use the capabilities of being able to update each and every one of these devices are complicated, which will allow software failures and hardware therefore could take much longer to be repaired.

On the other hand, let’s not forget that our privacy will be violated since, in order to obtain the expected benefits, it will be inherently necessary to support these devices, let’s not forget that many times these devices continuously process all our personal and confidential information that we generate daily.

Another constant threat is that these smart devices will be designed and programmed by humans, so just like traditional computer equipment, they are not free of vulnerabilities.


We can deduce that the internet of things is about all the objects that surround us every day which through integrated circuits and sensors can collect information which can be exchanged between the smart devices themselves or with a server on the internet where the function of analyzing the data to later optimize the resources and take actions.




Samir Millan
Samir Millan

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